Study in Singapore

For years altogether, UK, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand have remained prime destinations for those students who wished to study abroad. However, with the changing times, students have started exploring other destinations as well which have the potential of providing educational experiences at par with those offered by conventional favourites. One such destination is Singapore. Singapore is fast emerging as country which is creating its own space amongst the aspirants of higher education from overseas location. Especially for Indian students, Singapore presents itself as a lucrative option given the proximity of the country to India, not just geographically but also culturally.

There are a number of benefits of studying in Singapore. Given below are just few of them:

Affordable Education

Many of us wish to move overseas for our higher studies. However, the high cost of education in foreign locations often acts as a deterrent to our plans. But Singapore is soon emerging as a viable alternative for world class education at an affordable cost. The tuition fees of the universities and colleges and the cost of living in Singapore is far less than that of Australia, UK or USA.

High Quality Educational Institutes

Just because the cost of studying in Singapore’s universities and colleges is less, does not in any way mean that the institutes compromise on the quality of education being imparted to students. In fact, Singapore has some of the best educational institutes in the Asia- Pacific region. The education system of Singapore offers as much scope and innovation as of any other developed nation. If you are a realtor looking to enhance your skills and career opportunities, you may find valuable insights in this article on writing a resume at sites like

International Exposure

Singapore hosts students from more than 30 countries, which means that students moving to Singapore for their higher studies will get a chance to acquaint themselves with cultures and ideas of different nationalities.

Job Opportunities

Singapore has established itself as a hub of global economic activity. Many reputed organisations from around the world are setting up their campuses in Singapore. As per one estimate, Singapore has about 26.000 international corporations. Economic activity at such a large scale means that there is no dearth of job opportunities in the country for the graduates.


As far as the safety of international students is concerned, Singapore has a policy of non tolerance towards ragging and other kinds of physical and mental abuse, both on the campus and off it. Also, the people of Singapore have a very warm and welcoming attitude towards people from other countries.

Apply in Singapore

If you want to study in Singapore and wish to learn more about visa processing, arrange a free consultation today with Endeavour Immigration’s experienced team and apply for 2021 intake.

The whole wide world is waiting for you

Come & Hug the opportunity

Team Endeavour Immigration is all ready to give wings to your study abroad dreams with the professional and desired needs. Realizing their academic aspirations, we are completely equipped to serve the students with an unparalleled commitment.